Latest News
January Update
Gerry Connolly RIP We begin this news letter with some sad news. Gerry Connolly, one of our leaders from the 1970’s and 1980’s passed away this week. Gerry’s husband Terry was our group leader for many years and both were instrumental in the building of our Den in Hyde Park. …
Almost Christmas!
Beavers out Hiking The Beavers have been working hard on their Hillwalking badges, and recently, they had the chance to put their skills to the test on a night hike around Killiney Hill. They showcased everything they’d learned about the right clothes and gear to bring for a hike. Dónal …

For Boys and Girls aged 6 to 8. Beavers meet on Wednesday evening from 1800 - 1900.
We need Adult Volunteers to keep the group running. No experience in Scouting is necessary! Training will be provided by Scouting Ireland and you’ll be working as part of a team with great supports from Scouting Ireland Support Teams.
Volunteering with the 17th Dalkey means you’ll not only be improving the lives of young people but enhancing your own also. The benefits of volunteering in Scouting include making friends, learning new skills, and helping our local community flourish. You’ll have the oppertunity to take part in local, national and international events. And you’ll help change younf people’s lives for the better.
Please get in touch!