Joining us
Registration & Membership Policy
We are operating a waiting list for our Beaver and Cub sections. Please fill out the application form at and we’ll add you to the waiting list. Children are kept on the waiting list for 12 months. If we haven’t been able to offer you a place in that time, we’ll be in touch to see if you still wish to remain on the waiting list.
Registration Policy
Priority will be given to:
- Children of active and trained leaders.
- Siblings of existing scouts.
It may be necessary from year to year to favour one gender over another to ensure proper balance within a section. Dalkey Scouts reserve the right to prioritise places to keep this balance intact. We also reserve the right to prioritise places to ensure we have an age balance across each section.
€85 of this goes to Scouting Ireland to cover registration, national costs and insurance. The remainder stays with the group to pay for Den maintenance, electricity and heating, insurance, leader training, materials etc.
There will be additional costs for the uniform, personal equipment your scout may need (rucksack, boots, waterproof clothes etc.), personal scout materials, and outing/camping/transport costs etc.
Financial issues should not be a barrier to any child being a Scout. If you have any concerns, please speak with your section leader to discuss payment options.
If you would like to ensure a place for you child and you have an interest in the outdoors then get in touch with us about volunteering as a leader!
Here’s our privacy policy for applications.